Com o software Oncatolica, a gestão dos sacramentos se torna mais simples e eficiente, permitindo agendar, documentar e acompanhar os ritos sacramentais de forma integrada e confiável. Isso ajuda a garantir que os sacramentos sejam conduzidos com precisão, cuidado pastoral e reverência, proporcionando uma experiência enriquecedora para a Diocese e as Paróquias.
"Simplificando a Gestão dos Sacramentos"
"Potencializando a Vivência Sacramental na Igreja"
IT Solution Strategy Development
For Your Bussiness
Over 25 years working in IT services developing software cations and mobile apps for clients all over the world. From its medieval origins to the digital learn everything there.
IT Solution Strategy Development
For Your Bussiness
Over 25 years working in IT services developing software cations and mobile apps for clients all over the world. From its medieval origins to the digital learn everything there.
IT Solution Strategy Development
For Your Bussiness
Over 25 years working in IT services developing software cations and mobile apps for clients all over the world. From its medieval origins to the digital learn everything there.